Wednesday 9 September 2015

Baby turtles

Two months back, I visited the pet shop nearby my house and got myself 2 turtles! It was about RM 8 each. Got a few tips on caring for turtles from the pet shop owner so I thought I shared it here. 
There they are, I placed them in a bowl while getting their tank ready.

First of all, it is essential that the tank has a platform that the turtles can climb onto to get out the water to get a 'sun bath'. Coming to that, it is important that turtles have access to sunlight since they are cold blooded animals and also to obtain the vitamins from the sun for a healthy shell development. With that, they require both UVA and UVB ultraviolet lights as well as the heat from the sun to regulate their body temperature.
So, with a spare fish tank I made a DIY tank for the turtles with things I could find at home. I found a plastic panel and cut it up to form the platform for the turtles and I placed a piece of driftwood and some pebbles at the bottom so it looks more attractive. It didn't even take more than half an hour to set it up.
Moving on to their diets, turtles are omnivores, meaning they eat meat and vegetables. However, younger turtles are more carnivorous, while adults consume more plant matter. Some foods that can make up turtles' diets include leafy vegetables such as lettuce, kale, collard greens and mustard greens and live such as crickets, small fish, grasshoppers and mealworms or they can also be fed turtle pallets alongside the leafy greens and insects. Some foods that should not be fed to turtles are spinach, mushrooms and cabbage.

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